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Une Solution publiée le 04/06/2024
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Vision Golfe 2024

  • Led screen  Led light  Bespoke 

Secteurs d'activité :

Aménagement et bâtiment Construction Tech
FlexLedLight designs, manufactures and installs bespole LED video screens. Curved, transparent and 3D screens are made on demand and set up. We also design and produce LED lights (projectors, wall-washers). We operate worldwide.

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The bespoke LED engineers

We are an independent company specializing in bespoke architectural and indoor LED lighting, as well as special LED screens. We have achieved success among real estate developers and luxury fashion brands. Our team consists of electronics design engineers with a keen eye for detail. We oversee a comprehensive network of manufacturers and lighting installers, and we manage screen installations ourselves, all over the world.

Edelman Pierre, CMO
 Année de création : 2003

 Adresse :   85 Bd de Strasbourg - 75010 - Paris - France
 Maturité :   International
Réseaux partenaires
Notre société fait partie de 1 réseau